Wednesday, November 12, 2008

"The Nations Front Yard"

Whats described as "The Nations Front Yard" by the National Parks Service is known more regularly as the National Mall. The National Mall includes a majority of the cities large mounments and the NPS is undertaking a large program to rebuild and restore it. Some of the buildings in and around the Mall are over 100 years old and due to the massive amount of human traffic that the area sees every day they are in need of restoration. The Mall sees over 25 million people each year through everyday tourism as well as through their 3,000 anual events. The plan as a whole has three objectives:
1) Define a vision for preserving an evolving historic landscape

2) Define a character for concession and visitor facilities that is compatible with the historic development of this public space

3) Stage for demonstrators and special events

Along with the pedestrian adjustments to the space. There will also be the addition of the Martin Luther King Jr. memorial, a African American History memorial, and the Vietnam Veterans Momentos Memorial.

Here is a link to the National Parks Service Promotion Video. It is a good video to also show all of the monuments around the mall.

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