Thursday, November 6, 2008

Tourist Destinations: Jefferson Memorial

The Jefferson Memorial (shown above in the photograph taken at night), like the Washington Monument is one of the most visited tourist spots in all of Washington D.C.. It is located across the Potomac River away from where a majority of the monuments are located. The memorial which is dedicated to the main writer of the declaration of independence and the 3rd President of the United States Thomas Jefferson was on the table for for years starting with President Theodore Roosevelt in 1925. It was finally put to life with President Franklin Roosevelt in 1939 and completed in 1942.
During the construction process there was a major criticism of the project. First of all many objected the million dollar project when the nation could have used those funds to help with the money needed to fund WWII. Also, architecturally the project came under fire because it was constructed during the modernist movement of the early 10th century and those who opposed it disagreed with is Romanesque design.
After its dedication on Jefersons 200th birthday in 1943 the memorial immeadiately became a tourist destinations, and in 1966 it was added to the National Register of Historic Places. The memorial is free to all visitors and today is listed #4 on the list of Americas Favorite Architecture by the American Institue of Architects.
Source National Parks Serivce

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